Adding Axe Throwing to FEC’s

Axe throwing for Family Entertainment Center FEC Axe Throwing

FEC Axe Throwing as a Family Entertainment Center Add On

We are getting more calls recently concerning FEC axe throwing, and for good reason.  When you compare start up costs and revenue per square foot, the FEC owners are one of the first to realize what a gold mine the Axe Throwing business can be.  An axe lane, turn key construction can be about $6,000 (for a very professional setup) and occupy just 120 square feet of floor space. On average, participants are paying about $25 an hour for throwing, you have 4-6 throwers in a lane, which means a revenue of $100 – $150 per hour, or a dollar per foot per hour!

The other attractive thing about Axe Throwing in a FEC is the cost of running it is simply a $20 axe now and then when they break, and some wood, that with end grain targets run a cost of under a buck an hour of use! Comparing these costs to other attractions at an FEC make the addition of a few axe lanes a no-brainer!

The other huge plus of putting Axe Throwing in a family entertainment center is the fact that it appeals to the parents. Many have reported that the fact that the moms and dads, and older brothers can have fun increases the time families will stay while the younger ones play arcade games or participate in the attractions geared toward younger customers!

Now some FEC locations market to the younger kids as well. Depending on your insurance, we see youth leages and throwers from ages 8 and up. So it’s a great addition to any FEC for an alternative that can generate a lot of income for a relatively low start up cost.

You can see some FEC Axe Lane build out we have done on our Building Axe Lanes page.  And don’t forget, Axe Throwing can be a great Add On for Any Business!